Bienvenue en France

Welcoming visitors for major events

Atout France launches Bienvenue en France, winning tips for welcoming the world!

This new hospitality awareness tool, comprising 10 series of 5 videos filmed in an offbeat tone, has been designed by and for French tourism professionals.
Type de rendez-vous
Format de rendez-vous
Marchés d'intervention
Professionnels français

The videos provide tourism professionals, and more broadly anyone in a hospitality situation, with the information they need to better understand and welcome international clientele.

The first part, dedicated to the Rugby World Cup 2023, is available for the following markets: Argentina, Australia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa, United Kingdom and United States.

For each country, the videos cover different themes: 
- Learn about the main characteristics of the visitor's country;
- The profile of sports travelers coming to France for the World Cup
- Their specific interests and expectations;
- Reception expectations and do's and don'ts for different nationalities;
- As a bonus, a video dedicated to the main welcome expressions in different languages.

For the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the program will be adapted and extended to 7 additional markets: Belgium, Canada, China, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.
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Bienvenue en France

Winning tips for welcoming the world : Watch the videos

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